
We are all master creators. We create our little worlds through our thoughts. The more positive thoughts you have and the more desire you put into getting what you want, the closer you get to what is desired most. It will come to you. -- Mini Musk

Having a mindset of abundance gets and keeps you wealthy. People respond to confident, not needy people. They want you to be confident. The same concept applies to money. In regard to money, you don’t need anything. Want it all you should have?
-- Dr. Peter Diamandis


A sense of disquiet about the future has begun to color the optimism so characteristic of Western societies for the past 250 years. Prophesies by Isaac Newton and Nostradamus speculated the world would end by 2000. -- "The Sovereign Individual," by James Dale Davidson and Lord William Rees-Mogg

Medieval men despaired of the will. They thought of humans as wounded and weak. But they respected the intellect. They thought even humans, if we think carefully, have the power to answer the most profound questions of God and the Universe.

Modern men worship the will, but they despair of the intellect. The wisdom of crowds; the swerve of random particles; the influence of unconscious biases: all these contemporary cliches are ways to talk about intellectual weakness – or ways to talk ourselves into it.
--Preface by Elon Musk 2020


Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
- George Addair.

When we slow down,
creativity is possible.
Nourish your spirit.
- Matt Steel

Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.

If a man is working toward a predetermined goal and knows where he is going,
he or she is a success!

If not, he or she is a failure.

- The “Strangest Secret,” by Earl Nightingale
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